kanivari the journal

Thursday, August 30, 2007

to diet or not

yesterday, I went to my ex-office to be treated lunch
since the japanese restaurant taste sooo damn tasty
gwe makan kalap banget
cawan mushi, sate wagyu, sate dada ayam, sate sayap ayam and additional portion of sate wagyu, and steamed rice with crab meat plus steam rice seafood
huaa yummyyyy
ah, and plus matcha ice cream for desert

after the guilty pleasure feeling,
I met my ex-team mate along the way back to the office
the ex-team mate used to be the 'fattest' one in the team,
and I'm used to be be the second 'fattest'
'fattest' here means alittle fat here and there in a cute way huehehehhe

after meeting her, I was like...
what? kok bisa? kurus banget sih? sampe kendor bajunya, perutnya juga ilang
ohhh no.... kenapaa??

then I asked her weight
she's has the same weight as I do
but she is way much taller than me
huks huks huks
thank god I resigned huehehehhehehe

then, I decided to do diet!!!
skip dinner done! *well, but I ate two J.Co, pop corn and coke*
breakfast only coffee and a risoles done!! *still considered diet menu*
but the boss said this morning

"nanti siang kita makan sama divisi content gaming"
"nanti kamu ke PI duluan ya"
"tau gak, mereka minta makan dimana? sedih aku, aku gak doyan"
dan gwe jawab "sushi tei ya?"
the boss said "iyaaa, kamu pasti seneng banget deh"

dalam hati
what??? sh*t!!! mo diettt ini
but I can't never resist sushi tei huks huks huks apalagi for free with no limitation budget huaaaa
bye bye diet
see you in ramadhan deh huehehehehhe

oiya, sekalian promosi, itu restauran jpun enak namanya : UMENA DORI, di intercontinental hotel, so damnnn tastyyyyy sekarang ngebayanginnya aja masih pengen

Monday, August 20, 2007


a pop quiz by a friend,
I sent sms from my new mobile number (office prop)

the sms was like : jelek, ini rifka, jalan yu, besok malem
the reply was like : ini beneran rifka? gwe test ya!, nama panggilan lo siapa? dosen favorite lo siapa? sapa aja yang ikut "pertemuan monster"?

and I thought, I even can say that I brought a pack of bagelen to "pertemuan monster"

when I came home...
my mom bought me a pack of bagelen...
this is the first time my mom bought bagelen, never before, as long as I can remember

somehow I thought, there's this universe calculation for each moment in life, even the moment when you only think about something
there's no such a moment called coincidence...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

good news for the gay

sekarang cowok udah bisa hamil lho *telat kali ini infonya*
tapi gwe amaze, manusia makin lama makin canggih
tapi horor juga, hiiii semoga kiamat masih jauh

ini link si Mr.Lee sinting yang rela buat jadi percobaan hamil


Monday, August 13, 2007

cute pimple story

a person said "mukanya bersih, gak ada jerawatnya"
when you're actually have many cute pimple
(usually caused by too much fat in the food you ate)
It will make your day brighter :D

this happened to me last sunday,
on contrary, it makes me upset

the person who said it is...
the new capster in my facial treatment place
arghhh kuesseelll

when she treat my face its only like...
on "komedo" area with the little metal stick
she's not even squeeze my nose by finger
it's hurt more with the stick you baka!

after done with my komedo area
she asked what kind of face mask I want
and I was like...
what? face mask already?
you're not even use the needle to pop out my cute pimple

then I asked
"udah mbak? kok aku gak ditusuk?"
she said "mukanya bersih, gak ada jerawatnya"
argghhh you lazy capsterrrrr!!!!

I don't have any favorite capster as my friend in the facial treatment place
I'll go with any capster available instead of waiting another hour or more
but new rule apply : I'd prefer to wait instead of with her
It such a waste money, I'll go buy pore pack then if the treatment only for "komedo"

Thursday, August 09, 2007

gem pha

jakarta gempa lagiiiiii
kalo dulu" gwe gak pernah berasa gempa sama sekali
tadi malem berasa banget, jadi gempa kali ini special sekali hehehe

jam 12 malem lewat dikit...
gwe masih bertahan nonton "how I met your Mother" di tempat tidur...

tempat tidur gwe goyang...
*berfikir* ada apa ya?
*berfikir* buset kenceng banget goyangnya
*berfikir* duh, pusing gwe, pusing banget
*berfikir* eh, jangan" ini yang namanya gempa
*memasang telinga, mematikan kompie*
gak ada yang keluar kamar, gak ada yang heboh" diluar

gwe ketok kamar adek gwe,gak bergeming
gwe ketok kamar nyokap, dia keluar
"kenapa kak?"
"gempa mah, berasa gak?"
"enggak! udah ah, mamah ngantuk"

and I was like...
am I dreaming? ngingo? ngelindur? ngayal?
tapi masih berasa pusing...
ya sud lha, tidur aja

paginya adek gwe bangun, gwe langsung tanya
"pan, berasa gempa gak kemaren?"
"enggak, gempa paan? mimpi kali kak"
"ohhh iya ya"

pas jadi joki 3 in 1, bos gwe nanya "berasa gempa gak?"
"hoo itu beneran gempa ya? hehehehe"

temen gwe yang gwe ceritain cuma bilang
"orang kok sekeluarga kebo, lo beruntung aja blom tidur, kalo lo tidur gwe yakin lo gak berasa, secara gwe tau betapa kebo-nya elo"

yeee being "kebo" kan berkah, artinya sekeluarga selalu tidur pulas huehehehe