kanivari the journal

Tuesday, May 23, 2006



some named... wonder what that means in Japanese?
is it mean "a terrible looking guy, who always talk and blame people without listened to their explanation first"?

arghhh... how anoyyinggg he is...
f*ckin *I'm the RMD head, so you should consult everything to me* statement!!!

as if you have quick action, I dont need to send the mail to H.O.!!! you asshole!!

arrghhhh maraaahhhhh

then I have an email lesson from a friend..., said...

The organs of the body were having a meeting, trying to decide who was In charge.
Each organ took a turn to speak up:
Brain......... I should be in charge because I run all body functions.
Blood........ I should be in charge because I circulate oxygen for the brain.
Stomach... I should be in charge because I process food to the brain.
Legs......... I should be in charge because I take the brain where it Wants to go.
Eyes......... I should be in charge because I let the brain see where it's going.
Asshole.....I should be in charge because I get rid of your waste.

All the other parts laughed so hard and this made the asshole very mad.

To prove his point, the asshole immediately slammed tightly closed and Stayed that way for 6 days, refusing to rid the body of any waste whatsoever.

Day 1 - Brain got a terrible headache and cried out for relief
Day 2 - Stomach got bloated and began to ache terribly
Day 3 - Legs got cramps and became unstable
Day 4 - Eyes became watery and vision became blurredDay 5 - Blood became toxic and poisoned the body
Day 6 -The other organs agreed to let the asshole be in charge.


arrggh... asshole!!

Friday, May 19, 2006

I'm blogging again

huaaa been weeks...

kuangen... but dunno what to write...

belakangan situasi kantor mencekam... menjelang audit head office...


Monday, May 08, 2006

lagu yang menenangkan

craig... Unbelievable

Always said I would know where to find love
Always thought I'd be ready and strong enough
But some times I just felt I could give up

But you came and changed my whole world now
I'm somewhere I've never been before

Now I see, what love means.

It's so unbelievable
And I don't want to let it go
Something so beautiful
Flowing down like a waterfall

I feel like you've always been
Forever a part of me
And it's so unbelievable to finally be in love
Somewhere I'd never thought I'd be

In my heart, in my head, it's so clear now
Hold my hand you've got nothing to fear now
I was lost and you've rescued me some how-
I'm alive, I'm in love you complete me
And I've never been here before
Now I see, what love means

When I think of what I have
and this chance I nearly lost
I cant help but break down, and cry
Ohh yeah, break down and cry

Now I see, what love means

orang gilaaaaaa suaranya gilaaaaaa

how do you...

define a gut buk?

menurut gwe a gut buk is...
buku yang bisa membuat lo tetep baca, biarpun lo di facial,
jerewat lo di suntik, di pencet dan dikeluarkan, still lo tetep baca bukunya...
sampe diomelin capster karena bayangan buku bikin burem...

Friday, May 05, 2006


hmmm this is what I called penghargaan in some way...

suatu hari...
gwe lagi dijalan bersama seorang co-worker *saah*
here's the conversation :
co-worker : "kemaren gimana jalan sama *nama JP baru yang tampan*, galak gak dia?"
mi : "gak, baek kok, malah omongannya jarang berhubungan sama kerjaan, baek lha"
*bla bla bla*
mi : "eh, dia (refer ke JP tampan) istrinya orang Indonesia lho, orang Bandung"
co-worker : "ha? kok bisa ya? oh, di yang islam itu ya...? gwe denger ada JP solat"
mi : "ha? seriusan ada JP solat? gilaaa canggih juga tuh orang bandung..."
co-worker : "waa... sayang lo cil! lo telat ketemu dia, sayang lo baru ketemu dia sekarang"
mi : "haaa???? maksut looo??"

then I think...
wa... penghargaan juga yaa... at least temen gwe kira gwe bisa memikat hati si JP baru tampan itu... *huahhahahahahaha* jadi penasaran mo liat istrinya gwe...

buat anak kantor yang baca, JPnya tuh salah satu group leader di CBD 4 yang paling muda dan tampan huehehehehehe ex.UFJ to***isa-san

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


pernah gak?,
lo denger cerita" menyeramkan tentang sebuah musibah yang menimpa beberapa orang,
cuma lo gak pernah mikir kalo itu bakal kejadian sama diri lo,
bukan kayak kecopetan Hp, ato disilet dikereta...
lebih ke arah... hm... sexual harashment... tingkat dua lha,
pemerkosaan taro di tingkat pertama
trus... out of nowhere, by a stranger... lo kena musibah itu...

gila! itu depressing bangett
untung gwe punya nyokap yang siap siaga
temen" yang selalu ada

temen emang efek banget...
they're always there to help...
walaupun kurang empati dan mengomeli kebodohan" yang lo bikin
tapiii bikin tambah kuattt

thank to those who lend their ears to my story...
ayu, budi, inge, rama, aya, GCMS team (ria, popop, venir, marce, aa', heri, babeh, nat nat, tikeu, slesta), nando (biar cuma ngakak doang)

*mellow mode : off*

huaa sekarang aku sudah bisa tertawa!! berdiri tegar!!
dan bawa semprotan vixal