kanivari the journal

Friday, March 30, 2007

masalah perut

bukan masalah lingkar-nya yang terus bertambah *horor*

beberapa kali terakhir gwe makan di salah satu tempat sushi,
kok perut gwe sakit banget setelahnya ya?
apa karena mentah? tapi kenapa baru"ini aja,
dari awal baik" aja

tadinya gwe kira efek wasabi,
karena gwe baru berani coba wasabi belakangan ini,
pas kemaren ditraktir temen lagi,
gwe makan skip wasabi,
tapi kok, still the same stomacache ya?

sampe gak bisa tidur sangking sakitnya
but I love the taste...

eh, mungkin karena kebanyakan kali :p

sudah lah, I wont give up on that fuuuuut

Monday, March 26, 2007


Gemintang, awali indahnya cerita
Melantukan rasa
Nanyikan dentingan nada dan senyuman
Menghadirkan cinta

Resahku menepi, Indah ku bersemi
Mengingat utuh bayang mu

Hatiku mengucap kata merindukan mu
Laksana nyata manis nuansa
Dan jika gemintang tiada lagi melagu
Kisahku yang mencinta dirimu
Kan slalu abadi

Rembulan, temani indah malam ini
Menyatukan asa
Lukisan, dekap hangat yang kau beri
Mengartikan kita

Resahku menepi, Indahku Bersemi
Mengingat utuh bayang mu..

Thursday, March 22, 2007

risk taker

a person said to me,
"you're really not a risk taker type"
then I agreed,
"I know, I really am"

just by simple conversation...
happened big thing
not that big from the way I see it
but big for all people around me

one of the reason...
to prove, I'm a risk taker

kalo yang gak pake xplore..
agak roaming baca blog-nya
padahal explore gak ada roaming

Monday, March 12, 2007

bus way tragedy

this morning.. tragedy happened regarding busway...
not as horrible as recent transportation-related-tragedy *knock on woods*

here comes the story..
this month, go-stingy strategy applied in me
due to soon-comin'-holiday-package-but-short-savings-balance
this morning, I kinda 5 minutes late to go by bus,
but then, considered to try busway *faster I suppose*
since the rumors said, number of the corridor 4 bus added

noticed that two buses already passed from across the bridge
*hmm.. the it is not that long to wait the bus*
bridge crossed, ticket bought, ... 5 minutes, 10 minutes, ... ok...
where the heck is the bus??
then... at 7.30 there comes the bus...
run to the entrance door, queing
then.. shocking thing happens for new busway user like me,
the bus keep its full speed, and spread the dust and dirt only *whattt??*
right behind another bus way, this one stopped
but the "kondektur" said "yang belakang aja yaa, yang ini penuh"
the person in front of me said "this is the forth bus, that stopped but reject"

I lost my hope on busway this morning...

crossed the bridge again,
decided to use Ojek :(

the tragic results :
- It cost me 20k to go to office
- Took ojek with no preparation -> hair and shrits smell like smoke and dust

the more tragic result:
I met a friend who was using ojek to while I was riding Ojek
He said in loud "Ocoooollll" *my nick name in hi-skul*
As I was turned my head, he laughed and said "Pa kabar busway lo???"
what????? he must notice the tragic waiting

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

a little story

location : kantor
suasana : tenang... sok konsen ngerjain kerjaan

ada suaranya nicole pussy cat dolls dari lagu beep
yang "uh hu uh uh hu uh"
mulai mencari asal suara...
mulai mengenali asal suara...
*PCD masih nyanyi "It's funny how man only..."*
mulai pasti asal suara
berasal dari meja si bapak", kira" late fourty lha
eh... gak diangkat....
dibiarkan sampai tuh lagu hampir selesai...
baru diangkat...

malu pak ma umur

Thursday, March 01, 2007


tujuh tujuh tujuh...
tujuh is my most favourite number...
both my closest friend have inspired by me *sok yakin*
they took tujuh tujuh tujuh as their wedding date
huaaaa gak sopan,

gak sopan bukan karena gwe mo ambil itu angka buat merit,
gwe dateng kemannnnaaaaaa?????
satu di bandung... satu lagi purbalingga, gak mungkin bisa dateng dua"nya
bandung deket jadi gampang dateng,
tapi yang di purbalingga, anaknya mo dibawa ke abu dhabi
*curiganya mo disuruh jadi belly dancer*
tapi....gwe kan mauuu ada muka gwe di foto mereka

sudah lah,
It's them that lost for not having my picture :p