kanivari the journal

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

pursue a career

my friend gave me an advice
harusnya mumpung masih muda, kejar karir lo, kejar ilmu pengetahuan lo, dll... karena with time, money will follow!!! i believe in that, truly!
[end of quote]

jadi yaaaa buat temen" kuh yang masih ada di tempat terkutuk itu dengan status clerical dan kebetulan baca blog ini

ada pesen dari my-beloved-ex-supervisor:
kalo emang pengen meniti karir di *** yaa.. ya seneng2 aja lah punya gaji dahsyat dengan status hanya sebagai clerical. but really, is that what you’re looking for as a college graduate? kalo iyaa.. ya udah, your life is fulfilled!!!

I'm with her!

ayoo teman" keluar laaahhh, karena another new rules of thumb stuff, it will only make it worse dear my dearest friends out there!


Monday, July 30, 2007

tanda tangan

I have big problem in life
gwe gak pernah bisa tandatangan sama!
tapii selama ini gak pernah menemui kesulitan berarti

kamis kemaren... gwe buka rek. bca
dannn mereka ketat banget, gwe curiga cs-nya masih baru
ketat banget buat ttd, harus plek sama kaya ktp, atleast tarikan"nya

gwe diajarin gimana tanda tangan of my own signature!
"mbak, ini lebih panjang, mbak ini bikin kayak 'k' bukan o"
eh, buset, it's my signature...
gwe belajar tanda tangan setengah jam sampe akhirnya bisa bikin tandatangan konsisten yang gak bertahan lama, sampe pas di applikasi karena grogi, tetep salah

I waste two opening account application
and half hour of my time!
damn, kalo gwe ganti KTP dan ttd gwe beda, gwe harus ganti buku lagi katanya
hoooooooo kessalll

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

getting old without you notice it

gwe suka sekali post" converstation sama orang baru yang suka bikin agak nyesek,

jadi gini, gwe makan siang sama client, trus pas udah mo kelar, bos gwe bilang
eh, kalian sama" dari UI lhooo, trus dia pergi bayar..

client: UI mana? FISIP ya?
gwe : *bangga disangka bermuka FISIP* hehehhehe bukan
c: oh, ekonomi ya?
g : hehehehhe bukan juga
c : trus anak apa?
g : fasilkom
c : ohhh gwe elektro
g : oooo
c : eh, gwe ada tuh sepupu di fasilkom
tapi dia angkatan muda gitu
sembilan... sembilan... sembilan lapan ato sembilan sembilan deh,
namanya ratna
g : *tertohok* hah? emang lo pikir gwe angkatan berapa?
c : lho, emang lo angkatan berapa?
c : hah masa? muka lo tua
g : HAH???? gak sopan
g : *ngaca di tembok resto yang berkaca* ohh ini karena gwe kurang tidur *cari alesan*

bos gwe dateng dan kita semua pulang....
sekian cerita dari lunch in house of ipoh

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


gimana caranya....

biar gak ketauan selingkuh???
misal, malem minggu, wajibnya pacaran sama pacar formal,
tapi... secara lagi pdkt sama gebetan baruuuu

cari alesan apaaaa?????
kalo diaplikasikan ke kerjaan, pake alesan apa dong???
pertama sakit, okeh
gimana dengan kedua, ketiga dan keempat?? trus kalo ada kelima??
huaaaa mana bosnya tetangga gwe.....
gak enak kalo ketauan selingkuh

Monday, July 09, 2007

love song

I listened to this song last weekend played by grand piano,
and it was a good show
311 version not the cure
Just wanna post the lyrics

whenever I'm alone with you
you make me feel like I was home again
whenever I'm alone with you
you make me feel like I was whole again

how ever far away, I will always love you
how ever long I stay, I will always love you
whatever word I say, I will always love you
I will always love you

whenever I'm alone with you
you make me feel like I was free again
whenever I'm alone with you
you make me feel like I was clean again

how ever far away, I will always love you
how ever long I stay, I will always love you
whatever word I say, I will always love you
I will always love you

hohoho such a guuuttt song...
I almost forgot that I ever really really liked this song back then

Thursday, July 05, 2007


I'm in a super very lazyyyyy mood...

while I have thousands pending thing to do,
The pending list which I promised to fulfill when I was in the no job period
Pending list was...
1. Making a dvd pic slide show of Bali vacation
2. Making a dvd video of Bali vacation
3. Type a book-price catalog for a family which owned a book store
4. Watch 1000 dvds
5. Last but not least, diet!

But then, I got a job, then the list got addition:
1. Learning this
2. Learning that

and none of the above I'm finished up to now,
but the book catalog, faced it's deadline,
then my cousin spend nights in my house just check what I typed,
then I can't sleep well, then I feel guilty,
the impact : I feel so LAZY!!! MALAY!!!

*damn* I dont like this! I can't even concentrate to my boss order
plus I got headache