is love mandatory?
ppl at my age (teen - heheheheh) mostlikely will talk about marriage, love, life and such, now I'll go with the flow (hehehe me blaming the flow)
I have a close circle friend who is a picky type, well, he get all the quality to be picky
so I said, maybe you just hasn't found the one who clicked
with analogy
misalkan criteria nya bentuk kotak, dan kl ada calon akan dimasukin ke kotak itu...
jadi selama ini kalo ada cewek yang bentuknya segitiga, segilima masuk ke kotak, maka akan ga cocok ato memaksa cewek itu ngikutin bentuk kotak
tp kalo ketemu the one, dan bentuknya bunder
instead of maksa si bunder jadi kotak, kotak-nya akan beradaptasi menjadi bunder...
but he insisted, it's not how it works with him,
then he sent us an article as a judgment of his belief, I skimmed through it
point is : for marriage, love actually is optional. what mandatory are same visions, same values, and such else
love will come if you respect on same things, value same things, and aim the same goal
the article is making any sense, since they're putting the divorce rate, etc
then today, I received this article from... I forgot... a well-known EQ trainer
one of the motivational message related to love, sound like:
jika mencintai maka anda tidak akan berharap apa2 in return, kalau ada berharap sesuatu in return, maka itu bukan cinta, itu bisnis...
the lines are making sense as well
para pemikir2 bijaksana, motivational instruktur, psikolog terkenal,
somehow mereka suka mengeluarkan dua pernyataan tentang suatu hal yang bertentangan...
sooo I dont really beleive in those motivational teacher, they tell us something we already knew, in a different way of speech
in my point of view, both are good and wise, it just depend on what you believe as a truth, just like religion :p
as for mine, I do believe love is extra mandatory in marriage, I'm the type who believe : no love means no orgasm :p
I have a close circle friend who is a picky type, well, he get all the quality to be picky
so I said, maybe you just hasn't found the one who clicked
with analogy
misalkan criteria nya bentuk kotak, dan kl ada calon akan dimasukin ke kotak itu...
jadi selama ini kalo ada cewek yang bentuknya segitiga, segilima masuk ke kotak, maka akan ga cocok ato memaksa cewek itu ngikutin bentuk kotak
tp kalo ketemu the one, dan bentuknya bunder
instead of maksa si bunder jadi kotak, kotak-nya akan beradaptasi menjadi bunder...
but he insisted, it's not how it works with him,
then he sent us an article as a judgment of his belief, I skimmed through it
point is : for marriage, love actually is optional. what mandatory are same visions, same values, and such else
love will come if you respect on same things, value same things, and aim the same goal
the article is making any sense, since they're putting the divorce rate, etc
then today, I received this article from... I forgot... a well-known EQ trainer
one of the motivational message related to love, sound like:
jika mencintai maka anda tidak akan berharap apa2 in return, kalau ada berharap sesuatu in return, maka itu bukan cinta, itu bisnis...
the lines are making sense as well
para pemikir2 bijaksana, motivational instruktur, psikolog terkenal,
somehow mereka suka mengeluarkan dua pernyataan tentang suatu hal yang bertentangan...
sooo I dont really beleive in those motivational teacher, they tell us something we already knew, in a different way of speech
in my point of view, both are good and wise, it just depend on what you believe as a truth, just like religion :p
as for mine, I do believe love is extra mandatory in marriage, I'm the type who believe : no love means no orgasm :p
woot bahasanya campur sari :p
ZaQ, at 1:56 PM
biarinnn males mikirnyah
kanivari, at 7:11 AM
LOL. you have love now, do you have "the thing"? :D
Amir Karimuddin, at 10:11 AM
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