being pretty
careful dear readers
prepare a paper bag for throwing ups
the next post will be sooo.... annoying
since I'm claiming myself pretty here
a friend of mine once said,
"kalo lo cantik yaa, 30% masalah hidup lebih mudah teratasi"
dan gwe cuma jawab:
"itu tergantung kecantikan lo,
lo mungkin cuma merasa 30%, beberapa orang ngerasa 70%"
gwe sendiri ngerasa...
muka gwe lumayan membantu dalam beberapa kesusahan :p
nyari parkir, dengan nongolin muka, senyum,
nyapa: "mas, cariin parkir dong..."
dan akan dengan mudah dapet parkir,
ato gak, misal, naek busway (yg paling sering gwe lakuin)
kan suka diatur gituh, misal naek dari pintu mana, keluar mana
gwe suka seenak jidat, senyum dan bilang :
"mas, boleh ya masuk dari situ" (pintu keluar)
dan biasanya dikasih aja, ga ngantri, melenggang masuk setelah orang selesai keluar
hehehehhe kenarsisan dalam diripun bangkit,
is it because my smile? my eyes?
the beautiful soul inside of me which reflects in my aura?? bwhahahahaha
atooo.. apa mas" busway nyangkain gwe hamil??
but things were different when I had my encounter class last sunday
(encounter class = ujian lisan bahasa inggris with native)
there were only 3 students, 2 girls and a guy
the native asked us to tell what had happened to us in the past 2 weeks
the first turn were the girl,
she told the native, about what had happened as nothing special
as far as I remember, she made some mistakes
and I could tell that her english were not that sophisticated for our level
but the native dont pay much attention on her
then the guy turn, he did good
then my turn,
sialnyaaaaa, native put more attention on me
(due to my smile? eyes? aura? huahahahahha)
sialnyaaa lagiiiiii
I have this bad habit with 's' when I speak
like, "annie is david's sisters" or "I won door prizes"
I know I shouldn't put 's' after sister or prize, but my tongue just can't control it
the native said
you seem to have a bad habit with plural nouns
*dalem ati* siall dia sadar
*dalem ati lagi* sial, being noticable not always bring some luck
so conclusion ...
stay pretty dear ladies
dan rifka suka ke pd-an
prepare a paper bag for throwing ups
the next post will be sooo.... annoying
since I'm claiming myself pretty here
a friend of mine once said,
"kalo lo cantik yaa, 30% masalah hidup lebih mudah teratasi"
dan gwe cuma jawab:
"itu tergantung kecantikan lo,
lo mungkin cuma merasa 30%, beberapa orang ngerasa 70%"
gwe sendiri ngerasa...
muka gwe lumayan membantu dalam beberapa kesusahan :p
nyari parkir, dengan nongolin muka, senyum,
nyapa: "mas, cariin parkir dong..."
dan akan dengan mudah dapet parkir,
ato gak, misal, naek busway (yg paling sering gwe lakuin)
kan suka diatur gituh, misal naek dari pintu mana, keluar mana
gwe suka seenak jidat, senyum dan bilang :
"mas, boleh ya masuk dari situ" (pintu keluar)
dan biasanya dikasih aja, ga ngantri, melenggang masuk setelah orang selesai keluar
hehehehhe kenarsisan dalam diripun bangkit,
is it because my smile? my eyes?
the beautiful soul inside of me which reflects in my aura?? bwhahahahaha
atooo.. apa mas" busway nyangkain gwe hamil??
but things were different when I had my encounter class last sunday
(encounter class = ujian lisan bahasa inggris with native)
there were only 3 students, 2 girls and a guy
the native asked us to tell what had happened to us in the past 2 weeks
the first turn were the girl,
she told the native, about what had happened as nothing special
as far as I remember, she made some mistakes
and I could tell that her english were not that sophisticated for our level
but the native dont pay much attention on her
then the guy turn, he did good
then my turn,
sialnyaaaaa, native put more attention on me
(due to my smile? eyes? aura? huahahahahha)
sialnyaaa lagiiiiii
I have this bad habit with 's' when I speak
like, "annie is david's sisters" or "I won door prizes"
I know I shouldn't put 's' after sister or prize, but my tongue just can't control it
the native said
you seem to have a bad habit with plural nouns
*dalem ati* siall dia sadar
*dalem ati lagi* sial, being noticable not always bring some luck
so conclusion ...
stay pretty dear ladies
dan rifka suka ke pd-an
huahuahuahuahua... :)) Ga nyangka loe sepede ini Rif.. Luar Biasaa..
Anggi, at 12:44 PM
kagak tau mau muntah atau ngapain..
Anonymous, at 8:04 PM
wakakaka =))
ZaQ, at 9:33 AM
Gak pernah ngerti kenapa ada orang se-gak-tau-diri ini di dunia yang indah ini!
Oh God, should I give her a mirror and a picture of Jolie as a present?
Dah gak bisa muntah lagi! Terlampau melebihi ruang nyaman gw buat muntah!:D
Anonymous, at 10:40 AM
all : huahahahhahahaha
gwe selalu ambil bright side of everything
daripada gwe bt di comment "need focus on singular/plural" dihasil test gwe,
mending gwe menganggap itu karena si bule terlalu perhatian sama gwe
lagian dari awal disuru siapin paper bag buat muntah huahahahha
kanivari, at 10:57 AM
suetubuh...!inner beauty, tanpa diimbangi outter beauty, niscaya menjelma menjadi minor beauty..
Anonymous, at 5:13 PM
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