a drama in a relationship
the relationship between A and B
B made a mistake and dissapointed A
A get mad
B apologize dearly and wholeheartedly
A ngerasa bener buat marah
(dalam tahap ini tiap sms dan telp minta maap dibales dengan ketus)
B keep apologizing...
A ngerasa diatas angin makin sok ngambek
(dalam taham ini setiap telp gak dibales dan sms langsung di-delete)
B keep apoligizing...
A tetep sok dingin, tapi senyum dan agak ngakak liat telp ato sms
B keep apoligizing in a less frequent timing
A mulai bingung mo ngomong apa... mulai ngerasa... ya udah lahhh biar begitu saja
hubungannyaaaa, toh dia juga udah bosen minta maap, gwe juga ngerasa biasa aja gak
ada dia juga
B mengilang begitu saja capek minta maap
and a relationship ends... just like that... by a fuc*in stupid mistake
tadi pagi liat di o-channel
a relationship should have
affinity - kasih sayang
reaility - kesamaan sifat ato hobi
communication - yah, komunikasih
it said, the most important is communication, so when it stopped, the relationship stopped too huahahahahahahhaha
remember dear readers...
when a drama happened the affinity is gone, so better keep the communication, especially when you dont have something principal in common
may god bless me...
B made a mistake and dissapointed A
A get mad
B apologize dearly and wholeheartedly
A ngerasa bener buat marah
(dalam tahap ini tiap sms dan telp minta maap dibales dengan ketus)
B keep apologizing...
A ngerasa diatas angin makin sok ngambek
(dalam taham ini setiap telp gak dibales dan sms langsung di-delete)
B keep apoligizing...
A tetep sok dingin, tapi senyum dan agak ngakak liat telp ato sms
B keep apoligizing in a less frequent timing
A mulai bingung mo ngomong apa... mulai ngerasa... ya udah lahhh biar begitu saja
hubungannyaaaa, toh dia juga udah bosen minta maap, gwe juga ngerasa biasa aja gak
ada dia juga
B mengilang begitu saja capek minta maap
and a relationship ends... just like that... by a fuc*in stupid mistake
tadi pagi liat di o-channel
a relationship should have
affinity - kasih sayang
reaility - kesamaan sifat ato hobi
communication - yah, komunikasih
it said, the most important is communication, so when it stopped, the relationship stopped too huahahahahahahhaha
remember dear readers...
when a drama happened the affinity is gone, so better keep the communication, especially when you dont have something principal in common
may god bless me...
cieh cieh suit suit ...
Anonymous, at 8:15 PM
heh? kirain di band sama csui01 blogspot, masih kebaca toh
kanivari, at 5:23 PM
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