buka bersama
masih tentang puasa
week day ini menjadi minggu buka bersama gwe...
senen, selasa, kamis dan juma'at penuh ...
with different crowd *gila sok gaul ginih*
menurut gwe ada 4 tipe buka puasa
1. buka bersama keluarga
ngumpul bareng keluarga, menyamakan jam makan yang biasanya beda dan makan masing",
ato gak bareng sama keluarga yang lebih besar, terkaget" liat perkembangan keponakan" gwe yang semakin hari semakin ngebalap tinggi gwe, biarpun baru kelas 6 sd
2. buka bersama with people who you can laugh out loud with
I love this type of buka bersama
setalah makan kekenyangan, we can always tell a funny story or mocking each other
same level of humor and craziness
hoo I really love this type,
used to end late, at 8 or 9 if one of the people pregnant
can be end at 10 if all unmarried people
3. buka bersama with people who you can NOT laugh out with
I'd prefer buka dirumah than this one,
tapii kadang penting juga sih, menjalin silaturahmi,
like... buka bareng friends whose taste of humor located in different quadrant as yours, like they get your joke, but you don't get them
only them having fun, and you only like having... fake laugh
It's tiring really *for me*
this type of buka bersama used to end fast to me, usually at 7 or less, dengan alasan mo tarawih or else. as soon as I get out quick
4. buka bersama client
I like this type if in a big group, like all people in my company and all people in the client company
I still can laugh out loud with nice and tasty hotel food
but when it comes to only on entertainment few people, me and boss, the situation back to number 3
puasa bulan ini, buka bersama keluarga most often, karena jam kantor sampe setengah lima, teng and go! sampe rumah setengah enem... hemat euy
puasa tahun kemarin... selalu buka bareng di kantor berasama anak" gillaaa merdeka,tertawa-tawa, bahagia
this explains why I don't loose weight as much as last year...
week day ini menjadi minggu buka bersama gwe...
senen, selasa, kamis dan juma'at penuh ...
with different crowd *gila sok gaul ginih*
menurut gwe ada 4 tipe buka puasa
1. buka bersama keluarga
ngumpul bareng keluarga, menyamakan jam makan yang biasanya beda dan makan masing",
ato gak bareng sama keluarga yang lebih besar, terkaget" liat perkembangan keponakan" gwe yang semakin hari semakin ngebalap tinggi gwe, biarpun baru kelas 6 sd
2. buka bersama with people who you can laugh out loud with
I love this type of buka bersama
setalah makan kekenyangan, we can always tell a funny story or mocking each other
same level of humor and craziness
hoo I really love this type,
used to end late, at 8 or 9 if one of the people pregnant
can be end at 10 if all unmarried people
3. buka bersama with people who you can NOT laugh out with
I'd prefer buka dirumah than this one,
tapii kadang penting juga sih, menjalin silaturahmi,
like... buka bareng friends whose taste of humor located in different quadrant as yours, like they get your joke, but you don't get them
only them having fun, and you only like having... fake laugh
It's tiring really *for me*
this type of buka bersama used to end fast to me, usually at 7 or less, dengan alasan mo tarawih or else. as soon as I get out quick
4. buka bersama client
I like this type if in a big group, like all people in my company and all people in the client company
I still can laugh out loud with nice and tasty hotel food
but when it comes to only on entertainment few people, me and boss, the situation back to number 3
puasa bulan ini, buka bersama keluarga most often, karena jam kantor sampe setengah lima, teng and go! sampe rumah setengah enem... hemat euy
puasa tahun kemarin... selalu buka bareng di kantor berasama anak" gillaaa merdeka,tertawa-tawa, bahagia
this explains why I don't loose weight as much as last year...
'...semakin hari semakin ngebalap tinggi gwe'
ck ck ck rip, tenis dong xD
ZaQ, at 9:51 PM
yah cil..gue sih ga heran ponakan lo bisa ngebalap tinggi lo...ga ada challenge nya juga sih... hauahha.. *untung gue ga puasa!*
duuuuhhh.. pengen ikutan buka puasa rame-rameeeeeee......
sLesTa, at 10:57 PM
zaki:yang di ps aja gak pernah bisa, apalagi yang real jak
slesta : dasar ibu hamil!! sengaja ngina gwe ya, biar anaknya kaya gwe huehehehhe
kanivari, at 9:05 AM
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