a pop quiz by a friend,
I sent sms from my new mobile number (office prop)
the sms was like : jelek, ini rifka, jalan yu, besok malem
the reply was like : ini beneran rifka? gwe test ya!, nama panggilan lo siapa? dosen favorite lo siapa? sapa aja yang ikut "pertemuan monster"?
and I thought, I even can say that I brought a pack of bagelen to "pertemuan monster"
when I came home...
my mom bought me a pack of bagelen...
this is the first time my mom bought bagelen, never before, as long as I can remember
somehow I thought, there's this universe calculation for each moment in life, even the moment when you only think about something
there's no such a moment called coincidence...
I sent sms from my new mobile number (office prop)
the sms was like : jelek, ini rifka, jalan yu, besok malem
the reply was like : ini beneran rifka? gwe test ya!, nama panggilan lo siapa? dosen favorite lo siapa? sapa aja yang ikut "pertemuan monster"?
and I thought, I even can say that I brought a pack of bagelen to "pertemuan monster"
when I came home...
my mom bought me a pack of bagelen...
this is the first time my mom bought bagelen, never before, as long as I can remember
somehow I thought, there's this universe calculation for each moment in life, even the moment when you only think about something
there's no such a moment called coincidence...
itu namanya nyokap elo dan elo berfikir di frekuensi yang sama :p
ZaQ, at 4:40 PM
hahaha ..
nyokap lo bisa membaca pikiran si cookie-monster waktu lagi kepikiran tentang bagellen.
he he he
Anonymous, at 5:21 PM
lho? mana comment gwe?
kanivari, at 5:01 PM
apaan sih ga ngerti gue. sampe baca 2 kali tetep ga ngerti. emang bagelen yg lo bawa ke "pertemuan monster" dapet dari mana tadi nya? aaaaaaah ga ngerti!
Anonymous, at 2:37 AM
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