the secret
pretty happening subject isn't it
the secret, law of attraction, quantum ikhlas, and stuff like that
well, I'm not a fan of motivational book,
I'd prefer a popular novel, or dvd for killing times
I have a friend who is a die hard fan of this theory
"It's the power of positive thinking and positive feeling" she said
the book said (based on my die-hard-fan friend's lecture)
if we think and feel positive, the universe will respond back positively
(there's a physic explanation about this in the book),
then somehow, what you think become real, it said "thoughts become things"
I'm a positive thingking person
(sometimes too positive, that I found too bad sometimes)
but I don't buy that theory,
how it explains for something that come when you least expected
I somehow beleive it's the opposite
god already has it written, the calculation of time when you're gonna do something, meet someone, win a lottery, and so on, and so forth
then the universe give you some kind of reminiscent,
which can make you feel like you want to do something,
you want to meet a person
or.. you feel positvely lucky
another friend who beleive that there's no luck in her life,
deny the theory of positive thinking
she said, "kayaknya semua yang gwe dapet hasil tindakan gwe, atau karena perbuatan orang lain, bukan karena gwe berharap trus puff ada gitu didepan mata gwe"
"misal ya, gwe kangen sama ruly, trus gwe cerita ke elo, trus besok malemnya dia telp gwe"
"tadinya gwe mikir, gwe punya ikatan sama dia, ehhhh taunya lo buzz dia di YM bilang gwe kangen"
"see? ga ada itu universe tetek bengek, semua pasti ada sebab musababnya"
the secret, law of attraction, quantum ikhlas, and stuff like that
well, I'm not a fan of motivational book,
I'd prefer a popular novel, or dvd for killing times
I have a friend who is a die hard fan of this theory
"It's the power of positive thinking and positive feeling" she said
the book said (based on my die-hard-fan friend's lecture)
if we think and feel positive, the universe will respond back positively
(there's a physic explanation about this in the book),
then somehow, what you think become real, it said "thoughts become things"
I'm a positive thingking person
(sometimes too positive, that I found too bad sometimes)
but I don't buy that theory,
how it explains for something that come when you least expected
I somehow beleive it's the opposite
god already has it written, the calculation of time when you're gonna do something, meet someone, win a lottery, and so on, and so forth
then the universe give you some kind of reminiscent,
which can make you feel like you want to do something,
you want to meet a person
or.. you feel positvely lucky
another friend who beleive that there's no luck in her life,
deny the theory of positive thinking
she said, "kayaknya semua yang gwe dapet hasil tindakan gwe, atau karena perbuatan orang lain, bukan karena gwe berharap trus puff ada gitu didepan mata gwe"
"misal ya, gwe kangen sama ruly, trus gwe cerita ke elo, trus besok malemnya dia telp gwe"
"tadinya gwe mikir, gwe punya ikatan sama dia, ehhhh taunya lo buzz dia di YM bilang gwe kangen"
"see? ga ada itu universe tetek bengek, semua pasti ada sebab musababnya"
Ya ada sebab musababnya, tapi karena bukan kita yang mengontrol universe jadinya bisa jadi sebab musabab berasal dari hal yang tidak disangka :)
Anonymous, at 3:01 PM
As usual, kalau soal pemikiran barat ini, mending ambil positifnya aja. Menurut gwe, hal yang bisa gwe ambil dari the secret ini adalah alignment antara our mind, soul, and our will to our goal. Dibilangnya, kalau kita berhasil consistently aligned. In most cases, the goal is ours.. :)
dhani, at 5:06 PM
amir : jadii the secret kebalik kan?
dhani : lo kaya mario teguh dan, hehehehehe salam super huahahaha
kanivari, at 8:38 AM
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