risk taker
a person said to me,
"you're really not a risk taker type"
then I agreed,
"I know, I really am"
just by simple conversation...
happened big thing
not that big from the way I see it
but big for all people around me
one of the reason...
to prove, I'm a risk taker
kalo yang gak pake xplore..
agak roaming baca blog-nya
padahal explore gak ada roaming
"you're really not a risk taker type"
then I agreed,
"I know, I really am"
just by simple conversation...
happened big thing
not that big from the way I see it
but big for all people around me
one of the reason...
to prove, I'm a risk taker
kalo yang gak pake xplore..
agak roaming baca blog-nya
padahal explore gak ada roaming
hmm hmm hmm
gak ngerti
ZaQ, at 9:25 AM
apaan sih ciru? wah kayaknya stress level lo emang tinggi.. ngomong sama ngedumel tetep ga bisa dimengerti.. oh one more thing, you are not a risk taker (not as much as me), tapi lo bisa cuex, tapi cuex nya sekali2.. sisanya "gimanaaaaaaaa donkk gimaannaaa yaaa" *panik*... heuaheahhaaa
Anonymous, at 8:57 PM
huahahahhahahahha udah gwe bilang
jaki : simpati
myra : simpati
yaaa kena roaming lha
kanivari, at 1:07 PM
apaan sih rifka san..
ya i know that u're great risk taker..
tapi gue yakin.. lo akan lebih sukses rifka san.. CAYYOOOOOOOOO!!!
i believe in process lho jeng.. (film ARISAN banget sih!!!!---quoted from Andien hehehehehehe)
dan lo udah buktikan bahwa lo ga bisa disemena2 kan oleh "Mr. D" and "Mr.T" hahahaha.
not like me.. i have very bad day today.....
I dont like ur "sok tau" boss ciru.. (halah mau comment malah curhat)
"ur ex team and now ur teammate"
Anonymous, at 8:52 PM
anon a.k.a tikeu, dia curcol
kanivari, at 1:02 PM
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