what ruin your day?
this is not a story of me,
of my friend indeed,
currently, you're promised to have promotion as new manager,
you start dress as a manager
*so there won't be any cultural shock*
but maintain the "anak muda" style
you meet a person who haven't seen you in past 6 months...
and the person said
"heyyy pa kabar?"
"lo kok sekarang kayak ibu-ibu si dandanannya?"
and you'll be in a baaaaddd moooddd for the rest of the day
even your friend convince you
that you're wearing a very fashionable blazers
another fun thing remains...
of my friend indeed,
currently, you're promised to have promotion as new manager,
you start dress as a manager
*so there won't be any cultural shock*
but maintain the "anak muda" style
you meet a person who haven't seen you in past 6 months...
and the person said
"heyyy pa kabar?"
"lo kok sekarang kayak ibu-ibu si dandanannya?"
and you'll be in a baaaaddd moooddd for the rest of the day
even your friend convince you
that you're wearing a very fashionable blazers
another fun thing remains...
ucil suka banget ceritain temennya :P
pasti sebenarnya cerita diri sendiri, tapi ngga mau ngaku aja :D
Anonymous, at 7:57 PM
ripkah udah kaya' ibu-ibu xD
ZaQ, at 8:41 AM
loh, bukannya dari dulu? yah?
Anonymous, at 3:28 PM
kurang asemmmm semuanya
gwe gak mungkin kayak ibu"
dooh I merely wish itu cerita gwe, secara mo jadi manager
aldi : kenapa gak pernah OL
kanivari, at 2:10 PM
asik asik jadi menejer, MAKAN MAKAN dong *halah* :p si aldi onlen terus kali rip, elo yang enggak :p introvert?
ZaQ, at 2:34 PM
tau nih ucil. loe yang jarang onlen gue yang difitnah :D
loe udah cocok jadi manager kok, udah bisa melimpahkan kesalahan sendiri ke orang laen :D
Anonymous, at 10:47 PM
mana? kalo gwe OL lo statusnya just dont,
mana berani mo nge-buz juga
lha gwe mah always invisible mode
kanivari, at 3:36 PM
ah inpis mode :D
ZaQ, at 3:40 PM
jadi ini blog ngebahas soal online atau ucil kayak ibu2 sieh? *bingung*..... ato ttg yg kayak ibu2 yg suka jarang online? *bingung*....
Anonymous, at 11:25 AM
mengalihkan topik adalah andalan anak fasilkom :P
kanivari, at 1:02 PM
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