life begins at 23
got a gift from the management...
transfered to another department...
they said, it's for good for the career
they said, you can apply overseas training and easily approved
they said, you can use your knowledge there
but I said, I don't like it
I don't like the boss
there's no way I can take a nap *like I used to be in the current dept*
I'm gonna do a no-fun job with no-fun responsibility
I don't like the boss
no more fun crowd again
I don't like the boss
then they said,
I know you're enjoying the crowd in your current dept.
but, for the sake of your career you have to be selfish
ow. don't tell me to be selfish
I've been selfish all along
but here in the team, I learnt not to be selfish
transfered to another department...
they said, it's for good for the career
they said, you can apply overseas training and easily approved
they said, you can use your knowledge there
but I said, I don't like it
I don't like the boss
there's no way I can take a nap *like I used to be in the current dept*
I'm gonna do a no-fun job with no-fun responsibility
I don't like the boss
no more fun crowd again
I don't like the boss
then they said,
I know you're enjoying the crowd in your current dept.
but, for the sake of your career you have to be selfish
ow. don't tell me to be selfish
I've been selfish all along
but here in the team, I learnt not to be selfish
hepi bileted birsday :p itu kado ulang taun dari manajemen elo kayanya rip :p pindah departemen? MAKAN MAKAN dong?
ZaQ, at 5:26 PM
stop complaining lah ucil... !!! enough honeymoon-period for 1.5years.. it's time to face the real world.
time to 'actually' grow up! :P
kan gue udah sering bilang ama anak2 gcms.. u guys have to start realizing that you are not living the college life anymore..
Anonymous, at 9:22 AM
sudah diikhlas kan
ayoo kita kerjaa, no more honeymoon
kanivari, at 11:14 AM
jaki : kadonya mannah?
kanivari, at 11:14 AM
iya betul seperti ibu slesta bilang, uciru...
time to grow up!
live is not fair sometimes!
lho kok..? hahahahhaa
ciru..kasian bgt ya elo 'dipaksa' dewasa pd saat bday lo bgt..hihihi..mungkin akibat dr kemaren kekanak2an bgt..siapa tau udah di dept baru, elo jd sadar klo udah umur 23 itu udah ga pantes ngomong "akiuww imut" lagi..
btw, hepi bday ciruuuuuuuuu!! selamat menjadi dewasa..
im2819, at 5:13 AM
kadonya itu.. short feed? :p MAKAN MAKAN-nya mana? :p
ZaQ, at 9:32 AM
ngga sempet nyobain tidur siang di camry yang baru yah, huahahha.. sayang sekali.. =p
ramskie, at 1:03 PM
im2819 : ok dey grow up, tapi tar kalo gwe ke kawinan lo bibir gwe menyong karena stroke under pressure jangan kaget yaks
jaki : kado tuh yang bisa kepegang jak
rama : siyaalll, camri baru masih bukan mobil operational
kanivari, at 7:34 PM
heuaheuauaahahahhaaa ga apa2 ciru, ntar kita sama2 menyong.. sama2 ke kiri ya, jadi kan pas tuh klo kiss pipi dan pipi..terkesan bergaya..ehauhauheauea
im2819, at 4:26 AM
hehehehe gue baru baca comment slesta...ciru bearu......
hehehe...bener juga yah honey moon kerja tapi lingkungan kaya kuliah ...
Anonymous, at 8:18 PM
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