another story working with japs
new semester...
new target...
but, way much easier...
the branch target is 40 points
the branch consists of 4 CBD
breakdowns from H.O. will be
1 for CBD1, 13 for CBD2, 18 for CBD3, 8 for CBD4
I'm in CBD 4, then I inform this to a Jap in charge for internet banking
He asked me to join the meeting, to explain the target to the whole CBD4 member
I said "okay"
then in the meeting,
he handed me the paper,
then I see the target for CBD4 is 40 points
i thought, he just misstyped it with the branch target
then He said,
I know the branch target from H.O. is 40 points, but this is too easy,
I beleive that the CBD4 customers only can achive that target,
so I set the target 40 points for CBD 4,
with this two ladies corporation (me and my friend),
I beleive we can achive the target
and I was shocked!! without prior-noticed before??
is he psycho?? setting the branch target only for one CBD??
then he said, but this is tentative
ow.. you better be mister!! this is better be tentative!
setting up target 40 from previous 8 is insane!
if you set up like 20, that make sense, but 40???
mo ngamuk!!! dasar sinting tu orang!!!
emang gampang apa??
new target...
but, way much easier...
the branch target is 40 points
the branch consists of 4 CBD
breakdowns from H.O. will be
1 for CBD1, 13 for CBD2, 18 for CBD3, 8 for CBD4
I'm in CBD 4, then I inform this to a Jap in charge for internet banking
He asked me to join the meeting, to explain the target to the whole CBD4 member
I said "okay"
then in the meeting,
he handed me the paper,
then I see the target for CBD4 is 40 points
i thought, he just misstyped it with the branch target
then He said,
I know the branch target from H.O. is 40 points, but this is too easy,
I beleive that the CBD4 customers only can achive that target,
so I set the target 40 points for CBD 4,
with this two ladies corporation (me and my friend),
I beleive we can achive the target
and I was shocked!! without prior-noticed before??
is he psycho?? setting the branch target only for one CBD??
then he said, but this is tentative
ow.. you better be mister!! this is better be tentative!
setting up target 40 from previous 8 is insane!
if you set up like 20, that make sense, but 40???
mo ngamuk!!! dasar sinting tu orang!!!
emang gampang apa??
minta naek gaji rip huehuehe
ZaQ, at 11:19 AM
itu dia masalahnya!
smester kemaren target efek ke bonus, sekarang efek ke kenaikan gaji, nah! bisa" naeknya dikit kalo gak achive
kanivari, at 11:54 AM
sapa cil? kimi?
Anonymous, at 11:59 AM
waks.. minta kenaekannya di awal huehuehue :p
ZaQ, at 12:33 PM
bukan, toku!
kimi juga kaget pas toku bilang
gila toku makin hari makin rese'
untung cakep banget
kanivari, at 6:48 PM
jaki : kalo bisa minta naek kapan, gwe minta naek tiap bulan jak :P
kanivari, at 6:50 PM
ah ngga ngerti saya :D
Anonymous, at 7:22 PM
wah ternyata si toku agak2 agre juga yah.. ihihi..
Anonymous, at 9:54 AM
yaa, minta mah bisa tiap bulan, dikabulkan.. belum tentu wakaka
ZaQ, at 11:12 AM
aldi:sabar di, dua taon lagi ngerti, s2 dulu kan? :P
slesta:toku agak2 agre? banget nget nget, mungkin karna itu dia bisa dapet orang bandung
jaki : even minta naek pun cm boleh setaon sekali, japs..
di ppsi bisa minta tiap bulan?
kanivari, at 9:42 AM
gyaa di ppsi gak naek2 xD
ZaQ, at 11:08 AM
untung cakep..
Anonymous, at 10:07 AM
slesta : iyah, bikin gwe luluh kalo tersenyum trus bilang "please" ato manggil "lady"
tapi dia janji mo traktir dinner di shangrila gara" achieved target smester kemaren, tapi bloman juga
kanivari, at 12:56 PM
waaahhh.. ikut dong! :P
Anonymous, at 3:00 PM
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