I miss friends
*mumpung sempet, two posts in row*
It's officially announced, that my friendster is gone..
hacked by some teenager I suppose
I've been seduced the hacker for the past 1,5 months
to return the email address to me!!!!!!
but he/she reminds silent...
ow.... I miss browsing my friendster...
I want to write a testimonial to my friend
I want to pick photo from my friend photo collection
*mumpung sempet, two posts in row*
It's officially announced, that my friendster is gone..
hacked by some teenager I suppose
I've been seduced the hacker for the past 1,5 months
to return the email address to me!!!!!!
but he/she reminds silent...
ow.... I miss browsing my friendster...
I want to write a testimonial to my friend
I want to pick photo from my friend photo collection
minta balik lah rip :p
ZaQ, at 6:59 PM
hiee samaaa kemaren ini juga fs gua kena hacked..tapi gua ga ngerti kok yg elo bisa keambil jg emailnya? gua langsung nightmare tuh gara2 hacker sialan.. kurang kerjaan abisssss..
btw, foto2 ada nih mau? hihihihi...
Anonymous, at 11:33 PM
gwe mauu dongg tapi yang ada muka gwe, gwe lucu kandi kawinan lo =P
kanivari, at 4:27 PM
bhuehuehehehe... tetep gaya imut ga pernah ilang emang senyum pepsodent lo.. hahhaha.. fotonya yg rame2 itu ada di photographernya belom jadi...kira2 3 bulan the soonest.. yaikss
Anonymous, at 11:16 AM
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