nyontek blog orang (baca:jaki),
bukan karangan jaki sie,
gwe tambahin tanda seru dikit,biar dramatis
anything that can go wrong will go wrong!
smile... tomorrow will be worst...
if everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something!
everything takes longer than you think...
every solution breeds new problem...
so true...
bukan karangan jaki sie,
gwe tambahin tanda seru dikit,biar dramatis
anything that can go wrong will go wrong!
smile... tomorrow will be worst...
if everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something!
everything takes longer than you think...
every solution breeds new problem...
so true...
ah apa ini plagiasi xD
ZaQ, at 10:30 AM
biarrr, gwe sampe nyari di wiki
kanivari, at 6:13 PM
ck ck ck :p
ZaQ, at 3:22 PM
anything that can go wrong will not go wrong if we believe!
smile... like me :D, tomorrow will be worst if you don't smile like me :D and to afraid to face it...
if everything seems to be going well, then keep it in your faith! you have obviously overlooked something! trust me!
everything takes longer than you think, and you should enjoy that and be gratefull...
every solution breeds new problem, and it's will be good spend your spare time :))...
*mampir... kunjungan harian.. :)*
-=|[gretong bilang:budayakan berkomentar]|=-
Anonymous, at 8:47 AM
sapa si om7ack?
blom baca murphylaw dia kayaknya
cari di wiki om
kanivari, at 1:35 PM
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Anonymous, at 10:41 PM
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