kanivari the journal

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I hate long hours meeting...
I hate long hours meeting after lunch break even more!
when I have been very full during the lunch...
... sleepy ...
... ow my sleepy head ...

jadi nanyi lagu toto mlulu dalam hati
god knows how long...
*bla bla bla*

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

less than 24 hours

two posts :P

sok aktip ginih nge blog, kali ini lirik aja, abis lagu-nya lagi nyangkut banget

If I fall along the way
Pick me up and dust me off
And if I get too tired to make it
Be my breath so I can walk

If I need some other love
Give me more than I can stand
And when my smile gets old and faded
Wait around I'll smile again

Shouldn't be so complicated
Just hold me and then
Just hold me again

Can you help me I'm bent
I'm so scared that I'll never
Get put back together
You're breaking me in
And this is how we will end
With you and me bent

If I couldn't sleep could you sleep
Could you paint me better off
Could you sympathize with my needs
I know you think I need a lot

I started out clean but I'm jaded
Just phoning it in
Just breaking the skin

Can you help me I'm bent
I'm so scared that I'll never
Get put back together
You're breaking me in
And this is how we will end
With you and me bent

Start bending me
It's never enough
I feel all your pieces

Start bending me
Keep bending me until
I'm completely broken in

Shouldn't be so complicated
Just touch me and then
Just touch me again

Can you help me I'm bent
I'm so scared that I'll never
Get put back together

You're breaking me in
And this is how we will end
With you and me bent

Can you help me I'm bent
I'm so scared that I'll never
Get put back together

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


waktu ikut kuis"an sifat gituh
gwe dapet sifat pesimis...

hmm.. bener juga sie
tapi jadi orang pesimis gag jelek juga kok setelah gwe analisa *saahh*

kalo pesimis, lo bakal ngejalanin sesuatu lebih santai, ya udaaahh dinikmatin, secara meyakini keadaan gak bakal berubah juga kalo lo ngeluh, jadi nikmatin ajah!
but when sumthing really good happens, lo bakal consider itu miracle *secara sebelumnya yakin keadaan gak akan berubah*, hasilnya? lo bakal appreaciate it more!!

coba kalo being optimis!
saat ngerjain sesuatu yang mungkin mereka kurang suka, mereka punya keyakinan kalo sumthing better will come along the way...
but in Indonesia here, somtimes... good things never comes along....
then optimist people can only eats their hope out :P
but then when godd things really comes, they just said "I knew this will happen"
mungkin *mungkin ya* mereka gak akan appreciate it as much as pesimist people

sebetulnya pesimist itu not that bad! tergantung cara pandang ajah :P


Thursday, August 03, 2006


gak enak banget jadi figuran...

kemaren gwe nonton vcd kawinan sodara gwe, secara gwe bukan pengantennya, jadi lahhhh muka gwe *amat sangat* sedikit sekali di film itu...

bokap gwe tanya, "gimana kak vcdnya?"
gwe jawab "gak seru"
bokap gwe tanya lagi " gak seru gimana"
gwe jawab " yaa gak seru aja!" *dengan nada sewot*

hah!! gimana rasanya jadi temen sma gwe yang figuran trus nonton filmnya tapi dikit? pasti sakit ati!!
